· By Rachel Dazey

Caring for Oklahoma Lands

Click here to join me in calling our Oklahoma legislators to protect public lands.

As silversmiths and jewelers we realize the importance of sustaining our planet. Not only is it something we've been passionate about for years in our personal work and endeavors, but as artists working with Mother Earth's rich materials daily we know that sustaining and caring for her is of utmost importance.

 Gold and diamond engagement ring

As 1% For The Planet members, we love donating and supporting the work of The Nature Conservancy and believe protecting Oklahoma's public lands is important. If you haven't already, check out the "Year in Review" released by our local conservancy chapter. From increasing pollinator habitats to restoring Oklahoma's forests, there are so many amazing initiatives in process through The Nature Conservancy.

Throughout the pandemic, we have found more solace and calm in the outdoors than anywhere else. It was a joy to watch her bloom in Spring, play in the rivers in deep Summer and explore the prairie as we faded into Fall.

The Nature Conservancy in Oklahoma ensures that we will be able to continue to find inspiration and awe in our local lands and wildlife. Please click here and join me in signing this petition and call our Oklahoma legislators to action to protect Oklahoma lands.

Oklahoma conservation jewelry company recycled metals   


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