Dillon•Rose was founded to explore how art can create connection, enriching our human experience. The first piece of jewelry I ever made, a simple pair of earrings, was traded for tacos in Mexico City. I was 18 and remember a distinct feeling of empowerment engaging in commerce in a creative way. Using something I made to create a relationship of mutual support was empowering. I continue learning more about the nuances of silver and gold, the way the metal behaves and what I can create. As I hone my skills and grow my expertise, the way I create has become more diverse but always focused on honoring the natural world and enshrining love.

Our path has been a meandering journey. My husband and business partner Seth and myself both come from working class families and both chose to pursue an adventurous path of exploration, foregoing the college path. When I traded that first pair of earrings for a meal, I was living in a school bus with six other artists in Toluca, near Mexico City. Seth had started from Oklahoma on a bicycle on his own journey about four months before. We reunited in Mexico City, continuing together on bikes South to Guatemala. I would display my crafts in public markets, selling earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. Seth would entertain locals and tourists with an acoustic guitar and the music of America's Heartland. We slept in hammocks, climbed volcanoes, and made friends everywhere. As wonderful as our travels were, we missed the feeling of home. After returning to Oklahoma, we attempted a life as farmers with a jewelry side-business. Neither worked because both required our full attention to be successful. We left our last farm in 2015. That same year, our second child was born and we married our middle names, Dillon and Rose, into a love child of a jewelry company.

Our journey continues to provide challenges and opportunities for growth. We did not start out with the intention to become a premier bespoke fine jeweler but our clientele has trusted us with more and more valuable projects. We have grown our ambition with the business and now employ others to help us create talismans of beauty and meaning for clients across the US and around the world. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to pour my creativity into wedding rings, anniversary presents, gifts for friends, family and lovers. The dream to artistically enrich the lives of my clients is coming true everyday thanks to you.

Founder- Rachel Rose

The Dillon•Rose Journal