The stones you wear on your finger often have stories beyond those which you ascribe to them. One of our specialties is disassembling heirloom jewelry to create designs the owners will enjoy wearing daily.
Inspecting the gemstones as we extract them under extreme magnification allows us to peer into the stone in a way that a casual observer never does and offers us a story. In the case of the diamond in this ring we noticed it was certainly hand cut, likely in the 1800’s or early 1900s in a way characteristic of an Old Mine Cut Diamond. These diamonds offer a distinct visual experience in terms of how their hand-cut facets play with light. Their facets are wider and more geometric, resulting in pops of sparkle instead of the disco ball dazzle we see in diamond cuts today. This actually allows the diamond to have more glow in low lighting, making it a more romantic cut to us.
Diamond cutters of the day would follow the gem’s natural octahedral shape as a guide. As happens in nature, these shapes would sometimes be more oblong or oval rather than a true round, which when followed creates a diamond cut unlike any other, with proportions specific to the natural diamond element.
These diamonds are perfectly imperfect, which is part of their charm and story.
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