· By Rachel Dazey
Thanksgiving note from Rachel Rose
I sit down to write and think. What do I want to say to you? Do I tell you my story once more? The slow, steady journey of a young artist, simultaneously starting a family and business, investing in her craft, falling more and more in love with the fiery manipulation of metals and gems, pursuing dreams of a life full of freedom, expression and beauty?
Do I tell you how grateful I am to still be on this journey? How I often speak with other creatives and share that dedication and excellence matter, storytelling matters, but more than that, it matters to connect with people. To put yourself out there in ways that feel vulnerable but that ultimately create connection. And that the journey will likely still feel lonely because carving a path never taken before is a somewhat solitary mission. The end is unknown, so you have to believe, REALLY believe in it. Creatives write the script of our lives in real time. Our life is an art form. Our practice is the medium.
Do I tell you how excited I am for the year to come? Or how proud I am of this year’s accomplishments and creations? (I am both of those things!)
Maybe I should focus on the team we have been building in the studio - we hired a new goldsmith, a goldsmith apprentice, a marketing manager and an administrative assistant this year! WHEW.
Or this whole email could be focused on relationship and how incredibly grateful I am that Seth Dillon works full time by my side again. Two full time artists with a family is a rarity in today's economy and we don't take that for granted.
ALL OF IT, I decided to tell you all of it. Because it's you who makes it possible.
You are the reason my children see me pursuing an artist's dream.
You are the reason I am evolving as a goldsmith, a communicator and a leader.
You are the reason I have a beautiful studio to create in and a billboard to broadcast my work on and an audience to share my inspiration with.
So, thank you. Thank you for seeing the art and talent and quality I have cultivated at Dillon/Rose. Thank you for supporting our mission of celebrating lovers with tokens of metal and stone and trusting us to create those tokens for you. Thank you for listening or watching the stories we tell and sharing them with your friends and colleagues. Word of mouth is still our highest ranking marketing tool thanks to you. Thank you for coming to the studio for open houses and collection releases to celebrate with us. Thank you for gifting our jewelry to the people you love most.
I am honored to adorn your life.
Happy Thanksgiving.
-Rachel Rose