· By Rachel Dazey



I recently created this copper and sterling silver 12" X 12" sculptural piece for the Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition annual fundraiser. I always enjoy exploring my art practice outside of jewelry.

Lately I've been thinking about the pain required in creative process. This podcast interview between Guy Raz and Esperanza Spalding is what sparked the thought. Esperanza, a masterful musician, was talking about the pain involved in finishing a song or an album. I believe anytime something totally new is being created, pain is part of the process. Life does not exist without death, nor light without darkness. Emerging into new versions of ourselves, creating new thought patterns or innovating a piece of art all require a kind of emergence, a shedding and becoming. It doesn't always seem fair. Like in birthing a child, the woman has already done all this work growing the baby, sacrificing her physical comfort for months on end and has allowed her body to totally transform, and then she STILL has to go through a painful experience of birth to actually bring a baby into the world. 

After birth we have to pay attention to the child - the silver in the piece is about paying attention, providing focus and framework for the emerged being or concept to flourish.  

I have emerged multiple times in my creative career. The most extreme of which was becoming a mother. Others have involved acquiring skill sets, changing thought patterns or simply birthing a creative concept - going from ideation to finished piece requires effort. Paying attention once emergence has taken place is critical for sustainable creation. 

I enjoyed making this piece, I'm glad it supported the mission of OVAC and I'm grateful for the lovely evening we had in Oklahoma City with our daughter.



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